Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Mix She Won't Like

Back in February, while making a "music discovery" mix for my wife (a mix made up entirely of newish songs she didn't know, ideally by bands unfamiliar to her), I made a similar mix for myself. It was a place to put the songs I discovered that I thought she wouldn't like, because they were too downtempo, too brooding. It's called "The Mix She Won't Like". I've listened to it many times since then, and it's really stood up. The melancholy, dreamy mood totally works for me, and should be especially appropriate as fall weather comes again. Just thought I'd share. (You can listen to it for free on Lala, which has become my favorite website. If you're interested, you can also listen to the one I made for my wife, Sampler Plate 3, a much brighter, more energetic mix.)


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