Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Theory D and Theory P

In his blog post "Which theory fits the evidence", Reg Braithwaite has gone straight to the heart of a software development issue I have struggled with for the past few years: deterministic vs. probabilistic project management. I work for a company where the managers refuse to see the fallacies in their Theory D thinking and have ignored most of my Theory P advice, and the productivity and morale have suffered dearly because of it. Over time, our process has gradually matured away from Theory D misconceptions, but I think the managers still hold dear the dream of deterministic management.

Monday, July 09, 2007

People to watch and read, from Why We Fight: Chalmers Johnson (CIA, 1967-1973), Joseph Cirincione (Carnegie Endowment for Peace), Gore Vidal (author, Imperial America), Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, Gwynne Dyer, and especially Charles Lewis (Founder of The Center for Public Integrity).

Also people to watch, warily: Richard Perle, and William Kristol (co-founder of The Project for the New American Century).

And the voice that inspired Eugene Jarecki to create the film: Eisenhower's farewell address, in two parts: Part 1; Part 2. And the full text of Eisenhower's farewell address.